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The POWER Of Christian Music

Why Should Youth Fall In Love

With Contemporary Christian Music?


1.  By their pre-teen years most youth have already developed distinct tastes for what music they like and what music they don’t like. The music of this world allures them with lyrics that effectively undermine their faith; unfortunately most of them choose a steady diet of this spiritually corrupt music. Our youth must be offered an alternative.

2.  Christian music contains a literal gold mine of faith-building lyrics. The more our youth listen to this music the more their minds will be filled with thoughts of what is true, pure, and good.

3.  Youth who fall in love with Christian music at an early age will generally retain that attachment to it during the teen years when faith-strengthening music is so badly needed*.

3.  Youth who don’t fall in love with Christian music will most invariably seek out the ungodly, faith-destroying, secular counterpart.

4.  Christian musicians are often excellent role models of integrity, purity, and faith. In this generation of corrupt television celebrities and wayward national leaders our youth need far better role models.


* Note: Don’t expect Christian music to turn your kids into Christians; it will only build upon the faith they have already established.