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Story Of Isaac Watts

A Music “Heretic”






 There was a young Christian man who was very dissatisfied with the music that was being sung in church. He felt that it was all very dull and boring, so every Sunday after church he would come home and complain about the music. Finally his Dad got tired of hearing him complain and told him that if he didn't like the songs they were singing, then he should write his own songs. So he decided to give it a try. He wrote some songs and his pastor liked them and agreed to sing them in church. This turned out to be very controversial because there were some people who liked his songs, however there were also a lot of others who didn't, mainly because they were a different style than what they were used to. His songs were eventually accepted by the church and now Isaac Watts* is considered one of the "great hymn writers". The CCM argument is really nothing new, just different musical styles and different names. Over 200 years have passed since Isaac Watts lived. Times and styles of music continue to change. I suspect that in 100 years (if there is still life on this earth) the "great hymn writers" will include names like Michael Card, Rich Mullins, Twila Paris, Ray Boltz.… But why wait? You can enjoy the blessings of their Spirit-filled music today!

* Some of Isaac Watts’ all time hits include: I Sing the Mighty Power Of God; O God, Our Help; Joy to the World; When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; At the Cross, and Marching to Zion.  [click on song to hear]